Truck washing

Hydro-Wash has developed over the years a number of locally manufactured truck/ trailer wash systems that can be either full chemical, brush and chemical, or maintenance wash only (recycled and rinse water).

Our designs do not recommend the use of brushes on prime movers as the risk of incidents with mirrors, aerials etc is too great to accommodate.  The preferred system is chemical wash to the prime mover and brushes where applicable on trailers.  However, some clients prefer single or two stage chemical washing with high pressure rinsing.

Regardless of your rigid or single/ multiple trailer setup Hydro-Wash can provide a locally sourced wash to suit your requirements.

Hydro-Wash is the only company to have successfully designed, built and installed a drive through combination chemical/ brush system to wash milk tankers and prime movers.  This system has now been operating successfully for over 8 years.

Other Options

Options available with our truck washes are:

  • underbody/ chassis wash
  • wheel wash
  • automatic/ manual internal trailer wash system
  • trailer roof wash
  • matching water treatment/ recycling system
  • support for statutory approval applications/ approvals


Video of one of our truck washing systems in action: